Valuation and Financial Modelling

The foundation for successful transactions: Company valuation and business plan modeling

When it comes to transactions – from acquisitions and divestments through to mergers of companies or business areas, capital markets or fund raising – there is a wide range of important questions about a company’s value that need to be answered: What is the value of my company, based on an integrated business plan?

Which capitalisation interest rate and which multiples can be derived from the market? What is a fair price for the buyer and the seller? What share of a planned joint venture is appropriate? What level of cash flow can the company expect? Is there a need for financing?

Complex valuations and financing modelling: Your partner in every discipline

Our experienced valuation and modelling experts provide support with answering all of the possible questions about company valuation, reflecting individual value in business plans and developing a finance strategy. We analyse companies, business areas, individual assets or finance instruments. From start-ups, SMEs and stock-market-listed companies through to companies that are financed by private equity or that are in the midst of a crisis: An expert value analysis is the foundation for every kind of business transaction.

Valuation: As varied as the companies it analyses

There is a broad range of situations in which a company valuation is necessary, including company-law-related structural measures such as mergers, in-kind investments, squeeze-outs, controlling agreements and profit transfer agreements. Company valuations are also often necessary during internal company restructuring, or contractual agreements such as those that occur in the event of a shareholder exit or inheritance dispute. Valuation questions also arise in the context of tax-related considerations and for financial reporting purposes (e.g. purchase price allocations and the associated impairment test in line with IAS 36).

The right solution for every situation

As consultants, we act as neutral appraisers – depending on the specific situation and the purpose of the company valuation. Our experts support our clients with their comprehensive knowledge of corporate finance, company law, financing, accountancy and tax, as well as business planning. Depending on the specific circumstances, we create indicative valuations and capital-market-oriented reports, purchase price allocations, impairment tests. We take advantage of internationally recognised valuation processes – including Discounted Cash Flow, earnings value and market multiplier methods. We’ve got the necessary experience to select and apply the right valuation methods, even for complex financing and transaction structures such as option price models and simulation processes. We can also share our expert knowledge to support clients with questions related to the value of intangible assets like brands, patents and technologies.

We use tomorrow’s tools, today

We use the latest data analytics tools and develop innovative and efficient solutions for our clients. We consistently adapt the financial models to meet the specific requirements of each client’s industry and market environment, and we assess, adapt and optimise their existing models. You can also rely on us to create financial models for you.

Insights that add value

We combine industry knowledge with deep valuation and modeling expertise. Our clients also benefit from our integrated services related to transactions and consulting. And our clients can also rely on us after completing a transaction: We support you in identifying and taking advantage of potential ways of increasing your company’s value. Based on the solutions we develop specifically for your company; we can show you where to take action in order to make the right decisions. We believe your deal is our deal. Together, we’ll get the best deal for you, even in times of great change.

Modelling and decision tools

Whether you are evaluating a potential transaction, performing ongoing forecasting and reporting, or producing specific functional and strategic analysis, we pair a requirements-based approach with intimate knowledge of data analytics and visualization tools to:

  • Review and diagnosis of your existing models and tools
  • Design or build custom models and tools to help you generate actionable insights

Contact us

Damir Kecko

Damir Kecko

Partner, Deals, PwC Croatia

Nikola Babac

Nikola Babac

Director, Deals, PwC Croatia

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